The COVID-19 border closure to India: Would an Australian Human Rights Act have made a difference?
Bruce Chen
(2021) pp.320-325, Alternative Law Journal
The Victorian COVID-19 Response: Reflections on Loielo v Giles
Bruce Chen
(2021) pp. 8-16, Public Law Review
COVID-19 Stay at Home Restrictions and the Interpretation of Emergency Powers: A Comparative Analysis
Bruce Chen
(2022) pp. 1-23, Statute Law Review
The Nelson Inquest: Relevance of the Victorian Charter to the Coronial Function of Preventing Deaths in Custody
Bruce Chen and Anita Mackay
(2023) pp. 245-251, Alternative Law Journal
Disability in DOHaD and epigenetics: towards inclusive practice
Kaleb Saulnier, Lara Azevedo, Neera Bhatia, Lillian Dipnall, Evie Kendal, Garth Stephenson, Jeffrey M Craig
(2024), pp. 300-312, The Handbook of DOHad & Society: Past, Present, and Future Directions of Biosocial Collaboration, Cambridge UP, United Kingdom, B1
Bioethics Should Not Be Constrained By Linguistic Oddness or Social Offense
Julian Koplin, Tessa Holzman, Neera Bhatia, Julian Savulescu
(2024), Vol. 24, pp. 15-18, American Journal of Bioethics, Oxford, Eng., C1
Secondary use of genomic data: patients’ decisions at point of testing and perspectives to inform international data sharing
M Martyn, E Forbes, L Lee, A Kanga-Parabia, R Weerasuriya, E Lynch, P Gleeson, C Gaff
(2024), pp. 1-8, European Journal of Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany, C1
Uninsurable because of a genetic test: A qualitative study of consumer views about the use of genetic test results in Australian life insurance
C Muller, L Gallacher, L Keogh, A McInerney-Leo, T Boughtwood, P Gleeson, K Barlow-Stewart, M Delatycki, I Winship, K Nowak, M Otlowski, P Lacaze, J Tiller
(2024), pp. 1-10, European Journal of Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany, C1
Growing Human Organs Inside Animals
Julian Koplin, Neera Bhatia
(2023), Vol. I, pp. 607-623, Handbook of Bioethical Decisions, Berlin, Germany, B1
Responding to the ‘crowd’ of voices and opinions in the paediatric clinical space: An ethics perspective
Clare Delany, Bryanna Moore, Neera Bhatia, Elise Burn, Neil Wimalasundera, Anne Preisz
(2023), pp. 1-4, Archives of Disease in Childhood, London, Eng., C1
Financial advisers’ and key informants’ perspectives on the Australian industry-led Moratorium on Genetic Tests in Life Insurance
Casey Haining, Jane Tiller, Margaret Otlowski, Penny Gleeson, Carsten Murawski, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Paul Lacaze, Aideen McInerney-Leo, Louise Keogh
(2023), Vol. 26, pp. 123-134, Public Health Genomics, Basel, Switzerland, C1
The A-GLIMMER (Australian Genetics & Life Insurance Moratorium: Monitoring the Effectiveness and Response) Project: Final Stakeholder Report
Jane Tiller, Penny Gleeson, Aideen McInerney-Leo, Louise Keogh, Kristen Nowak, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Tiffany Boughtwood, Martin Delatycki, Ingrid Winship, Margaret Otlowski, Paul Lacaze
(2023), pp. 1-124, A-GLIMMER FINAL STAKEHOLDER REPORT, Melbourne, Vic., A6
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v WV [2022] EWCOP 9: The Court of Protection: On balancing risks; best interests and kidney transplantation
N Bhatia
(2022), Vol. 19, pp. 357-361, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Berlin, Germany, C1
Heart Transplantation after Circulatory Death: It is time to Redefine Death According to Irreversible Cessation of the Circulation and Reconcile it with Irreversible Cessation of Brain Function
Neera Bhatia, James Tibballs
(2022), Vol. 45, pp. 1-31, University of New South Wales Law Journal, Sydney, N.S.W., C1
Defining the role of facilitated mediation in medical treatment decision-making for critically ill children in the Australian clinical context
A Preisz, N Bhatia, P Michalson
(2022), pp. 1-13, Clinical Ethics, London, Eng., C1
White Gold on the Black Market: The Need for Regulation of Banking and Donation of Human Milk in Australia
N Bhatia, J Koplin, A Spadaro
(2022), Vol. 48, pp. 165-192, Australian Feminist Law Journal, C1
Donors and Dads online: Emerging Trends and Legal Implications involving the Internet in the Creation of non-traditional Families in Australia
Neera Bhatia, Lily Porceddu
(2022), Vol. 43, pp. 912-949, Adelaide Law Review, Adelaide, S.Aust., C1
A step forward, but still inadequate: Australian health professionals’ views on the genetics and life insurance moratorium
J Tiller, L Keogh, A McInerney-Leo, A Belcher, K Barlow-Stewart, T Boughtwood, P Gleeson, G Dowling, A Prince, Y Bombard, Y Joly, M Delatycki, I Winship, M Otlowski, P Lacaze
(2022), Vol. 59, pp. 817-826, Journal of medical genetics, England, C1
Health professionals’ views and experiences of the Australian moratorium on genetic testing and life insurance: A qualitative study
Grace Dowling, Jane Tiller, Aideen McInerney-Leo, Andrea Belcher, Casey Haining, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Tiffany Boughtwood, Penny Gleeson, Martin Delatycki, Ingrid Winship, Margaret Otlowski, Chris Jacobs, Louise Keogh, Paul Lacaze
(2022), pp. 1-7, European Journal of Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany, C1
Australian Genetics and Life Insurance Moratorium: Monitoring the Effectiveness and Response (A-GLIMMER) – Interim Stakeholder Report
Penny Gleeson, Jane Tiller, Aideen McInerney-Leo, Louise Keogh, Kristen Nowak, Kristine Barlow-Stewart, Tiffany Boughtwood, Martin Delatycki, Ingrid Winship, Margaret Otlowski, Paul Lacaze
(2022), Melbourne, Vic., A6
Queer Approaches to International Adjudication
T Paige, J Stagg
(2022), pp. 1-34, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law, Oxford, UK, B1
Lee (a Pseudonym) v Dhupar [2020] NSWDC 717: Failed Sterilization: Should a Healthy Child be Considered a “Compensable Injury”?
L Porceddu, N Bhatia
(2021), Vol. 18, pp. 199-204, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Netherlands, C1
Emptying the Nest Egg to Fill the Nursery: Early Release of Superannuation to Fund Assisted Reproductive Technology
Neera Bhatia, Lily Porceddu
(2021), Vol. 44, pp. 513-547, University of New South Wales Law Journal, Kensington, N.S.W., C1
New challenges to the legal definition and medical determination of brain death: A multi-jurisdictional approach – cases from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia
James Tibballs, Neera Bhatia
(2021), Vol. 28, pp. 831-854, Journal of law and medicine, Rozelle, N.S.W., C1
Leadership Vacuum and Mask Deniers
Marilyn McMahon, Elizabeth Kirley
(2021), pp. 104-133, Outsmarting the Next Pandemic: What COVID-19 Can Teach Us, London, Eng., B1
Study protocol: the Australian genetics and life insurance moratorium-monitoring the effectiveness and response (A-GLIMMER) project
J Tiller, A McInerney-Leo, A Belcher, T Boughtwood, P Gleeson, M Delatycki, K Barlow-Stewart, I Winship, M Otlowski, L Keogh, P Lacaze
(2021), Vol. 22, BMC Medical Ethics, England, C1
Medicinal cannabis and driving: the intersection of health and road safety policy
McNamara, J Sarris, M Stevenson,P Gleeson, J Sinclair, P Dietze
(2021), Vol. 97, International Journal of Drug Policy, Netherlands, C1
A Panacea for Australia’s COVID-19 Crisis? Weighing Some Legal Implications of Mandatory Vaccination
G Wolf, J Taliadoros, P Gleeson
(2021), Vol. 28, pp. 993-1017, Journal of law and medicine, Australia, C1
Deciding For When You Can’t Decide: The Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 (Vic)
Courtney Hempton, Neera Bhatia
(2020), Vol. 17, pp. 109-120, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Berlin, Germany, C1
Medical tourism and the best interests of the critically ill child in the era of healthcare globalisation
Neera Bhatia, Giles Birchley
(2020), Vol. 28, pp. 696-730, Medical Law Review, Oxford, Eng., C1
We Need to Talk About Rationing: The Need to Normalize Discussion About Healthcare Rationing in a Post COVID-19 Era
N Bhatia
(2020), Vol. 17, pp. 731-735, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Netherlands, C1
Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14: The Cost of International Commercial Surrogacy Recoverable as Damages: A Step in the Right Direction?
N Bhatia
(2020), Vol. 17, pp. 455-460, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, Netherlands, C1
Well-intentioned but missing the point: The Australian Defence Force approach to addressing conflict-based sexual violence
T Paige and J Stagg
(2020), Vol. 29, pp. 468-492, Griffith Law Review, C1
The murky ethics of emoji: How shall we regulate a web for good?
Elizabeth Kirley, Marilyn McMahon
(2019), Vol. XXVI, pp. 1-45, Richmond journal of law and technology, Richmond, Va., C1
The challenge of medicinal cannabis to the political legitimacy of therapeutic goods regulation in Australia
Penelope Gleeson
(2019), Vol. 43, pp. 558-604, Melbourne University law review, Melbourne, Vic., C1-1
A human rights-based approach to compulsory treatment of young people experiencing mental disorder
J Kotzmann, N Bhatia, M McMahon
(2018), Vol. 24, pp. 20-43, Australian journal of human rights, Abingdon, Eng., C1
When is it in a child’s best interests to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment? An evolving Australian jurisprudence
L Willmott, B White, N Bhatia
(2018), Vol. 25, pp. 944-972, Journal of law and medicine, New York, N.Y., C1
End of life decision-making for (extremely) premature or critically impaired infants
N Bhatia
(2017), pp. 249-263, Tensions and traumas in health law, Sydney, N.S.W., B1
The development of property rights over cadaveric tissues and organs: legal obstructions to the procurement of organs in an “opt-out” system of organ donation in Australia and New Zealand
N Bhatia and J Tibballs
(2017), Vol. 27, pp. 946-974, New Zealand Universities law review, New York, N.Y., C1
Research fraud by health practitioners and the criminal law
I Freckelton and M McMahon
(2017), pp. 433-451, Tensions and Traumas in Health Law, Annandale, NSW, B1
Zolpidem, complex sleep-related behaviour and volition
M McMahon
(2016), Vol. 24, pp. 455-477, Journal of law and medicine, Rozelle, N.S.W., C1
Critically impaired infants and end of life decision making : Resource allocation and difficult decisions
Neera Bhatia
(2015), Abingdon, Eng., A1
Deficiencies and missed opportunities to formulate clinical guidelines in Australia for withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment in severely disabled and impaired infants
N Bhatia and J Tibballs
(2015), Vol. 12(3), pp. 449-459, Journal of bioethical inquiry, Berlin, Germany, C1
Transplantation of the heart after circulatory death of the donor: time for a change in law?
J Tibballs and N Bhatia
(2015), Vol. 203, pp. 268-271, Medical journal of Australia, Sydney, N.S.W., C1
Best interests of neonates: Time for a fundamental re-think
N Bhatia and M Bagaric
(2013), Vol 20(4) 852-865, Journal of Law and Medicine
Will the law come running? The potential role of “brain fingerprinting” in crime investigation and adjudication in Australia
Kelly Dickson and Marilyn McMahon
(2005), Vol 13(2)204-222 Journal of Law and Medicine